Sunday, 20 October 2019

The Pros And Cons Of Employing Xamarin For Development!

A name everyone knows in today's digital scene, Xamarin is an open-source framework for developing cross-platform apps. With the competition in the cross-platform app development space severe, Xamarin still manages to thrive comfortably. Cordova, React Native, PhoneGap, Flutter - these prominent names have been used to develop apps that garner millions of users, and Xamarin stands amidst stiff competition with a brave face. 

While widely-known, is Xamarin really the ultimate framework today? 

Xamarin Mobile App Development Malaysia

Let's take a look at its advantages and disadvantages.


1) Code-Sharing: 

What makes Xamarin an incredibly robust platform is code-sharing. You only write once and then use it across multiple platforms. While code reusability is seen in various development platforms, Xamarin does it best. 

2) Incredible Support: 

Since Xamarin falls under Microsoft's umbrella, you can be sure of their constant support. 

3) C# and .NET Flexibility: 

.NET is flexible beyond comparison. From gaming to cloud applications, it can be employed for myriad development needs. And Xamarin is built partly on C# and .NET, making it a complete package! 

4) Quick Time To Market: 

If you're in the development space trying to get a taxi app or a social media app made, you know the competition is stiff. Xamarin allows you to test your app for inconsistencies seamlessly, letting you ensure that you can ship your app in no time. 

5) Native Experience:

At the end of the day, the native experience is something both developers and users look for - and this is exactly what Xamarin provides.


1) Paid Framework: 

For casual development, Xamarin comes free. But if you're looking to develop commercially, you will have to a minimum of $1,199 to a maximum of $5,999 per year solely for the license! 

2) Platform-Specific: 

You will face problems pertaining to runtime or dynamic code generation. Even though developers are trying to bridge the gap, the gap is still quite large. 

3) Severe Overhead: 

There are several layers involved in Xamarin development, and one might find this setup too complicated for smooth development. 

Get your venture the perfect mobile app built, be it on Xamarin, Flutter or any other cross-platform framework! We house some of the best developers under our umbrella at Openwave and have catered to several requirements. With our experts by your side, you'll have an amazing app for your business in no time. Call us today and hire our Mobile App Developers in Malaysia

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