Choosing the right design can make a huge difference to the user interface. Users all over the world are looking for apps that can provide them engrossing environments. That is the reason app developers work their heads off in designing apps. It’s not hidden that the world is partly run by machines, half of them hand-held devices. It is therefore important for enterprises to keep up with the constantly changing UI trends so that their websites and apps can continue to remain popular with their consumers.
Here are 4 User-Interface Trends to watch out for in 2018:
1.) Bye-Bye ‘Long Form of Content’
No one can deny that SEO is essential to drive more traffic to your website or app. Although, if the written content is long and not so immersive, you’ll only be making it easier for users to leave your website or application at the drop of a hat! Instead, high-quality videos with eye-catching visuals and sound can be introduced to present long content in a riveting manner.
2.) Welcome Simplicity
Set aside everything else about your product, UI is something that follows the simple-is-attractive quote. At the last, that is the case with the majority of users on app-stores. Let your content be intelligible and your design as minimalistic as possible. This will make it mobile-friendly as well.
3.) Typography Rules!
However lengthy or short your content is, good typography is a blessing in disguise. Subconsciously or not, the typography of your content is most definitely going to impress users, that is, if done properly. While it is a good idea to use quirky fonts to your liking, overdoing can change the whole game. Keep it artistic yet clear.
4.) Creatively Illustrate
On one side you have to deal with minimalism and on the other with illustrations. You should be able to strike a balance to get the best of both worlds. Most game-applications on app stores keep topping charts for the same reason that UI of those applications offer people love more immersive and colorful illustrations, keeping them engaged.
Apart from the aforementioned four, there are lots of other UI design trends like VUI (Voice UI), simple color overlays and so on. For questions on any stage of development, UI Designers can contact Openwave or visit our official website.
Here are 4 User-Interface Trends to watch out for in 2018:
1.) Bye-Bye ‘Long Form of Content’
No one can deny that SEO is essential to drive more traffic to your website or app. Although, if the written content is long and not so immersive, you’ll only be making it easier for users to leave your website or application at the drop of a hat! Instead, high-quality videos with eye-catching visuals and sound can be introduced to present long content in a riveting manner.
2.) Welcome Simplicity
Set aside everything else about your product, UI is something that follows the simple-is-attractive quote. At the last, that is the case with the majority of users on app-stores. Let your content be intelligible and your design as minimalistic as possible. This will make it mobile-friendly as well.
3.) Typography Rules!
However lengthy or short your content is, good typography is a blessing in disguise. Subconsciously or not, the typography of your content is most definitely going to impress users, that is, if done properly. While it is a good idea to use quirky fonts to your liking, overdoing can change the whole game. Keep it artistic yet clear.
4.) Creatively Illustrate
On one side you have to deal with minimalism and on the other with illustrations. You should be able to strike a balance to get the best of both worlds. Most game-applications on app stores keep topping charts for the same reason that UI of those applications offer people love more immersive and colorful illustrations, keeping them engaged.
Apart from the aforementioned four, there are lots of other UI design trends like VUI (Voice UI), simple color overlays and so on. For questions on any stage of development, UI Designers can contact Openwave or visit our official website.
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