Friday, 29 June 2018

VR Tours: What Benefits will it bring to your Website?

Nowadays, every real estate website that you see has added a special feature which is “Virtual Tour” on their website. The reason behind it is that over the years, this particular feature has been successful in attracting customers by serving as an interactive tool which provides the real picture of a house and what customers can expect from it. That is why real estate buyers prefer referring to websites which can provide Virtual Tours of the various houses listed.

How can a Website set up Virtual Tours? 

Depending on the budget, a company may hire a VR developer from Malaysia as the VR developers there are skilled or the company could work externally with a VR application development website too.  This would help the company in setting up its own VR website which would provide virtual tours to its customers. In addition to it, the company must also hire a professional photographer for developing clearer images of the houses as well as to add touch-ups to make the houses look great at all times.  

Additional Benefits of Having a Virtual Tour
  • The real-estate buyers can see and visit each room virtually, can explore the area and observe things according to their will.

  • By making use of human technology for the narration of the house, buyers will be glued to the website and this will help in holding the buyer’s attention for a long time.

  • Instead of physically visiting each and every house with the buyer, providing virtual tours will save time, energy as well as cost of both company and buyer.

  • Exploring each and every room with the perspective of living in it, virtual tours will help in generating a sense of ownership in buyers and persuade them to close the deal.

  • Virtual Tours provides customers with the flexibility of raising queries which an agent can resolve virtually from the comfort of his/her office.

  • VR Website development will help the company to capture a large customer base which may include foreign buyers interested in purchasing property in the area.
To conclude, Virtual Tours really help in maintaining the existence and increasing the revenue for the real-estate websites. Hire Openwave developers for the best solutions possible.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

How Your AOV Plays An Important Role In Growing ECommerce Business?

Are you constantly giving away offers to attract more customers, but nothing works in your favor? Here’s what you can do. AOV or Average Order Value is one of the most important variables that’s influenced by every single one of your orders and can alter the resulting income drastically. By and large, it helps owners make informed decisions about their online business so as to maximize profits. It’s calculated as the total revenue generated divided by the number of orders.

Here are 5 Tips to Improve your AOV and therein, your Business:

1.) Offering ‘Limited Period Offers’
Who doesn’t like discounts and offers? But if the offer is there to stay only for a limited time, chances are your customer will most likely end up buying it then and there from fear of losing a profitable opportunity. A sense of urgency results in immediate action in the majority of the cases.

2.) Providing Discounts on Bulk and Minimum Purchases
Customers who shop more, in bulk, must be given a proportionate amount of discount to improve customer loyalty. Apart from this, certain discounts must be offered on minimum purchases as well, mostly for the same reason as the former. As each customer spends more and more, your AOV also increases. But make sure the discounts don’t burn down your profits.

3.) Free Shipment above AOV
Offering free shipping for purchases below your AOV is a red flag! Only after calculating the average order value should you fix an amount over which products will be shipped for free. This prompts users to make minor purchases here and there to reach the desired amount.

4.) Up-Selling Items
Implement the right up-selling strategy and see your business go up. This involves pricing and advertising better-quality or highly-preferred items only slightly costlier than the normal ones. This will make the customer end up spending more than intended.

5.)  Cross-Selling Products
This involves selling additional or related products. Preferably, offer not-so-expensive items for this purpose. Amazon has special sections (‘frequently bought together’) for the same. This increases the chances of people spending more.

While all these techniques are conducive to improving AOV, they are not complementary. Take it one at a time. For advanced help on strategies to improve e-commerce, consult Openwave Computing, the best E-Commerce Developers in Malaysia.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Hit The Nail On The Head With These Top 4 UI Trends In 2018!

Choosing the right design can make a huge difference to the user interface. Users all over the world are looking for apps that can provide them engrossing environments. That is the reason app developers work their heads off in designing apps. It’s not hidden that the world is partly run by machines, half of them hand-held devices. It is therefore important for enterprises to keep up with the constantly changing UI trends so that their websites and apps can continue to remain popular with their consumers.

Here are 4 User-Interface Trends to watch out for in 2018:

1.) Bye-Bye ‘Long Form of Content’

No one can deny that SEO is essential to drive more traffic to your website or app. Although, if the written content is long and not so immersive, you’ll only be making it easier for users to leave your website or application at the drop of a hat! Instead, high-quality videos with eye-catching visuals and sound can be introduced to present long content in a riveting manner.

2.) Welcome Simplicity

Set aside everything else about your product, UI is something that follows the simple-is-attractive quote. At the last, that is the case with the majority of users on app-stores. Let your content be intelligible and your design as minimalistic as possible. This will make it mobile-friendly as well.

3.) Typography Rules!

However lengthy or short your content is, good typography is a blessing in disguise. Subconsciously or not, the typography of your content is most definitely going to impress users, that is, if done properly. While it is a good idea to use quirky fonts to your liking, overdoing can change the whole game. Keep it artistic yet clear.

4.) Creatively Illustrate 

On one side you have to deal with minimalism and on the other with illustrations. You should be able to strike a balance to get the best of both worlds. Most game-applications on app stores keep topping charts for the same reason that UI of those applications offer people love more immersive and colorful illustrations, keeping them engaged.

Apart from the aforementioned four, there are lots of other UI design trends like VUI (Voice UI), simple color overlays and so on. For questions on any stage of development, UI Designers can contact Openwave or visit our official website.

Friday, 1 June 2018

5 Ways to Bring more Traffic to your eCommerce Website!

Building an eCommerce website is easy, but making sure that it gets the fair share of traffic is the real job. The work of a developer doesn’t end at the last code, but when the website starts receiving reasonable traffic, enough to bring out positive revenues and hopefully, some profit.

Here are a Few Tips which will help you in making your website a Huge Success:

  • Capitalising on Influencer Marketing

    If you happen to hire eCommerce experts, you will know that the best way to promote your site is by making a little investment in social media influencers. Customers are more than likely to believe what is being said about your site by a fellow customer over the social media, than what you might say via an ad.

  • Playing with the Content

    In order to gain successful traffic generation for eCommerce, you must get your content to have a specific tone. SEO is one way to go. You need to implicitly promote yourself.

  • SEO all the Way!

    SEO has become a hot favourite in the eCommerce business today. This makes your website stand out in the search results, giving you an edge in terms of traffic generation.

  • Give Aggregators a Chance

    Often, various aggregator sites can help in you better traffic generation. There are a lot of visitors on the aggregator sites such as reddit or flipboard that you can piggyback on in order to drive forward your own ecommerce website.

  • Revamp your Content

    You don’t need to curate new content, just jazz up your existing one and increase its scope and potential audience. This saves you a lot of time and effort.

Despite doing it all right, you can still do it wrong. This is why, you would be better off hiring a web development firm such as Openwave, an eCommerce Developer in Malaysia, which will make sure that your website brings in its target numbers.