Over a year has passed since Swift 4.2 released but it still continues to awe people with its stellar functionality. There are a lot of SDK improvements and added features that make Swift 4.2 several times better now. iOS apps have long been known as premium and elite, but without the right development modules behind them, delivering top-notch performance is impossible! Swift helps developers control each aspect of their development and create a beautiful experience.
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Here are some of the best features of Swift 4.2:
1) Random Number Generation:
Previously, Swift had you hand-code a syntax that was innately bad for generating random numbers. While many remembered the keywords and found their way, others struggled with this algorithm! But Swift 4.2 makes it easy to generate random numbers, everything from float types to Boolean, without having to go through any hassle.
2) Better Enumeration:
One of the most powerful elements of Swift coding is the Enumeration function. It allows you to write safe code and give a seamless functionality to apps. Swift 4.2 has a protocol called Case Iterable that lets you reach all items of the enum function or a very specific one in the index.
3) Toggle Boolean Values:
The initial line(s) of code required for changing a Boolean value wasn't necessarily lengthy or difficult. But since the devil's in the details, Swift 4.2 has made this process even better by allowing users to toggle Boolean values. When it comes to coding, the goal is always to keep making processes simpler. Going through hours and hours of arduous programming to achieve a basic functionality doesn't seem worth it! This is why even a small change like this toggle function can go a long way.
4) AllSatify:
One of the most incredible functions in Swift by far, the AllSatisfy module checks every single item in a collection of data for a specific condition and returns a Boolean value. Instead of writing dedicated code snippets, you can just use this function now!
In the hands of a skilled developer, Swift can be tremendously effective. Hire Dedicated Swift Developers for your business needs today - call Openwave! One of the leading iOS app development companies in the game, we will equip your business with the perfect mobile app that's designed to scale along with you. Talk with our experts today to know more!